I- KAMRAN’s Blog: Dedicated to the Common Good- aiming to be a source of hope and inspiration; enabling us all to move from despair to hope; darkness to light and competition to cooperation. “Let the beauty we love be what we do.”-Rumi
II- KAMRAN MOFID’s GUEST’s BLOG: Here on The Guest Blog you’ll find commentary, analysis, insight and at times provocation from some of the world’s influential and spiritual thought leaders as they weigh in on critical questions about the state of the world, the emerging societal issues, the dominant socio-economic logic, globalisation, money, markets, sustainability, dialogue, cooperation, environment, media, spirituality, faith, culture, the youth, the purpose of business and economic life, the crucial role of leadership, and the challenges facing economic, business, management, education, and more.
“When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming together it is the beginning of reality.”—Helder Camara
Angel Oak Tree, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Photo: pinterest.com
- Details
- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 1150
“I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.
‘We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,’
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.”— Oliver Herford, “I Heard a Bird Sing”
Joy Harjo - 1951-
Remember the sky that you were born under,
know each of the star's stories.
Remember the moon, know who she is.
Remember the sun's birth at dawn, that is the
strongest point of time. Remember sundown
and the giving away to night.
Remember your birth, how your mother struggled
to give you form and breath. You are evidence of
her life, and her mother's, and hers.
Remember your father. He is your life, also.
Remember the earth whose skin you are:
red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth
brown earth, we are earth.
Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their
tribes, their families, their histories, too. Talk to them,
listen to them. They are alive poems.
Remember the wind. Remember her voice. She knows the
origin of this universe.
Remember you are all people and all people
are you.
Remember you are this universe and this
universe is you.
Remember all is in motion, is growing, is you.
Remember language comes from this.
Remember the dance language is, that life is. Remember.
December- A Season of Hope
‘Hope springs eternal in the human breast,’ wrote Alexander Pope in his poem "An Essay on Man."
‘Hope is the belief we hold during tough times that things will get better. Hope is both a verb and a noun. As a verb, it means to want, expect, anticipate or yearn. As a noun it suggests optimism, anticipation, possibility and promise.’-Countway Library
Look all around you, across the globe, what do you see? Thus, this is why, to my mind, now more than ever before, we need hope. We must not despair, but walk on with hope.
In Search of a Better Tomorrow: Reasons for Hope In Times of Uncertainty
Photo credit:Countway Library
December is the Month of Hope, Optimism, Joy, Festivals, Celebrations and Connection with Family, Friends and Mother Nature.
Thus, we wish to observe these December moments with a few poems.
The first one from Gus Speth, former Dean at Yale School of the Environment and founder of National Resources Defense Council and World Resources Institute.
“New Consciousness”
By Gus Speth
Photo: Core
'Decades of discourse
led by people like me
lawyers, scientists, economists,
and we are stuck.
They can’t do what must be done:
reach the human heart.
The deep problems are
avarice, arrogance and apathy,
dominant values badly astray.
What we need is not more analysis
but a spiritual awakening to a new consciousness.
So let’s bring on the preachers and prophets!
the poets and philosophers!
the psychologists and psychiatrists!
Let’s bring on the writers, musicians, actors, artists!
Call them to strike the chords of our shared humanity,
of our close kin to wild things!'
~ Gus Speth, It’s Already Tomorrow
Hope is the Thing With Feathers
In Search of a Better Tomorrow: Reasons for Hope In Times of Uncertainty
Hope is the thing with feathers
Emily Dickinson - 1830-1886
'Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.'
...And Now My Path to a Purposeful Life
Imaging and Building a Better World
A World of Beauty, Wisdom and a New Consciousness and Hopefulness
As it has been noted before, more often than not, we fall into the trap of trying to predict and anticipate the future, forgetting that the future is up to us to envision and create. In the words of the celebrated American architect, systems theorist, author and futurist, R. Buckminster Fuller:
But how, exactly, do we create a “good” future? What does such a future look like to begin with?
Today there is a lot of hopelessness and pessimism. This is so, because there exists a lot of uncertainties and fear of the future.
Yes, there are lots of reasons to be afraid, but all in all, fear disempowers, whereas hope empowers and nourishes our soul to take action in the interest of the common good, showing us the path to our discovery of our humanity.
With all these in mind, below, I offer our GCGI suggested possible paths to a better world for your kind interest:
Journey to Healing: Let Me Know What is Essential
Related postings from our archieve:
My Poem of the month (November): Reimagined Garden
My Poem of the month (October): MORḠ-E SAḤAR (Bird of Dawn)
Poetry is the Education that Nourishes the Heart and Nurtures the Soul
Finding sanctuary in poetry during lockdown
‘Dom of Barnard Castle’ is gone: This is How I Will Make Britain and Boris Good and Great
December is the month of sun-god Mithra and Christmas
Photo credit:National Post
"The birth of the Persian hero and sun-god Mithra was celebrated on December 25th. The myth tells that he sprang up full-grown from a rock, armed with a knife and carrying a torch. Shepherds watched his miraculous appearance and hurried to greet him with their first fruits and their flocks and their harvests. His cult spread throughout Roman lands during the 2nd century. In 274, the Emperor Aurelian declared December 25th the Birthday of Sol Invictus (the Unconquerable Sun) in Rome."- Mazda Publishers
See also: Mithra, Mithraism, Christmas and Yalda
- ‘Dom of Barnard Castle’ is gone: This is How I Will Make Britain and Boris Good and Great
- Christmas in the time of COVID: Let Love and Kindness be Your Everlasting Gifts
- The Lesson to Learn from Trump’s Chaotic and Shameful Life Journey: Before Becoming Great One Has to be Good
- 'An outpouring of hope': Today the Angel of Democracy and Hope Fired the Evil of Inhumanity and Despair
- The Bitter Truth for All to See: Trumpism and the Moral Convulsion of the US
- The Antidote to inhumanity is to know what it means to be human: Ayn Rand Vs David Sloan Wilson
- I have been a Dutch man for quite a while now, come and join me!