Lest We Forget
Our ‘Greatness’ consists in our ability to project ‘Goodness’ and apply our power to build Kindness and Fairness
Goodness is the Foundation of Greatness
Photo: Editor shares readers’ ‘fury’ over Cummings trip to patch on national TV
See also: The government’s contempt for the rule of law
A Reflection on Dom of Barnard Castle and Boris of England by Gordon Brown
And now watch George Monbiot explaining the falsehood and the lies of Dom, Brexit and the lies of the past…, holding and stopping us
from moving forward with hope, care and kindness to build a better country.
Dom left number 10 for the last time with his legacy in his cardboard box!
...And Now that the Main Obstacle to Boris’ Greatness and Goodness has been booted out:
This is How I Will Make Boris Great, to Enable Him to Make Britain Great and Good too
Dear Mr. Johnson, your Covid-19 survival must become a force for good
There is a world beyond neoliberalism and the lies of Brexit
It's time to come up with a hopeful and positive vision
The Time is Now to Lead with Purpose, Humanity, and Humility
The Path to Greatness and Goodness
Photo: Financial Times
Yes, it is true Mr. Johnson, there are things in life such as society, community, love, kindness, compassion, caring, trust, gratitude and more.
Life is not about money, money and more money, cost-cutting, outsourcing, targets, bonuses, shareholders value, privatisation, deregulation, marketisation and such likes only, as your party via your neoliberal agenda has been telling us since the early 1980s. Life is far more complicated than what we think it is, as you have now discovered for yourself. This must never be forgotten...
Please continue to read on how Britain and Boris may become Great and Good