I- KAMRAN’s Blog: Dedicated to the Common Good- aiming to be a source of hope and inspiration; enabling us all to move from despair to hope; darkness to light and competition to cooperation. “Let the beauty we love be what we do.”-Rumi
II- KAMRAN MOFID’s GUEST’s BLOG: Here on The Guest Blog you’ll find commentary, analysis, insight and at times provocation from some of the world’s influential and spiritual thought leaders as they weigh in on critical questions about the state of the world, the emerging societal issues, the dominant socio-economic logic, globalisation, money, markets, sustainability, dialogue, cooperation, environment, media, spirituality, faith, culture, the youth, the purpose of business and economic life, the crucial role of leadership, and the challenges facing economic, business, management, education, and more.
“When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming together it is the beginning of reality.”—Helder Camara
Angel Oak Tree, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Photo: pinterest.com
- Details
- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 28020
The 11th GCGI International Annual Conference
“Imagine the Common Good
An Intergenerational Dialogue to Inspire a Creative Leadership”
Sunday August 25 - Wednesday August 28, 2013
With Optional Post Conference tour of Paris
Wednesday August 28 - Friday August 30, 2013
Conference hosted at
Cité universitaire internationale, Paris
In Association with
The Institut Cedimes
With support of
Youth Time/ Rhodes Youth Forum
(Founder-Conveners: Prof. Kamran Mofid )
Speakers’ CV Summaries:
Messages of Greeting to the The 11th GCGI International Annual Conference
See the Messages so far:
Final Programme
Sunday 25 August
12.00 Noon onwards: Arrival & registration atCité universitaire internationale, “Maison Internationale", the main building when entering the campus, in front of the Metro (RER), at the entrance. After registration you will be accompanied to your “House” and room.
Drink Reception, Dinner, Opening Ceremony and Keynote Addresses
(Venue: Hellenic House: http://www.ciup.fr/en/les_maisons/fondation_hellenique)
Drink Reception
Welcome, Opening Remarks, and Overview of Conference
Prof. Kamran Mofid, Founder, Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative
Dr. Violaine Hacker, President, Common Good Forum, Paris
Keynote Addresses
A Debate on the notion of the Common Good in France and beyond
Moderator: Dr. Violaine Hacker
- Prof. Claude Rochet, Head of the Economic Intelligence-ministère de l’Economie et des Finances-France, along with the Common Good Forum team and the Cedimes.
- Presentation of Social Charters
- Discussion on the French Vision: ‘Le Pacte civique’, by Mr Jean-Paul Deveze (Démocratie et Spiritualité, porte-parole du Pacte civique), Philippe Le Godinnec (in charge of the e-democracy and the development of the Pacte civique) and Mme Nicole Vaucherez-Fondeneige (La Vie Nouvelle).
- Presentation of an International Social Charter: ‘The Earth Charter’, with Mrs Alide Roerink
Monday 26 August
(Venue: Hellenic House: http://www.ciup.fr/en/les_maisons/fondation_hellenique)
Unity in Diversity:
Common Good and the sharing of values in a divided world
Meditation in the Parc Montsouris
*(Prof. Steve Szeghi will lead the meditation sessions)
(Please note: All presentations throughout the conference are plenary. There are no breakout sessions. Each presentation is limited to 10 minutes. This will enable the whole conference (speakers and delegates) to come together in roundtables to maximise the time for dialogue, debate, and Q&A at the end of each and every session. Presenters are strongly encouraged not to read their papers verbatim.)
Session I: The Science of Economics and the Common Good
Moderator: Prof. Kamran Mofid
“The Economic Teaching of Leon Maclaren: A Conversation with School of Economic Science:
1- Ian Mason, Principal of the School of Economic Science
2- Raymond Makewell, School of Economic Science and Editor, “The Science of Economics”
3- Dr. Peter Bowman, Head of Economics, School of Economic Science
People, NGOs and the Corporate Sector: the Economy and the Common Good
Moderator: Dr Violaine Hacker
1. Pr Claude Rochet, “The Common Good and Governance issues: some cases studies”
2. Pr Jean-Pierre Worms, “From Social and Economic issues to sustainable proposals’
3. Pr Goéry Delacôte, “Concrete proposals for an Economy dedicated to the Common Good”
4. Nicolas Hazard, ‘Le Comptoir de l'Innovation, investing In, Supporting and Promoting the development of Social Entreprises in France and around the world'.
5. Stéphane Riot, Promoting Trust: The Transition Lab. Understanding the concept of 'experience' in the notion of common good.
Tea/Coffee Break
Humanistic Management and the Common Good
Moderator: Prof. Jamshid Damooei
1- Prof. Claus Dierksmeier, “ Economic thinking from Plato to the Common Good in the XXe Century”
2- Dr Ernst Kimakowitz, “The Makings ofHumanistic Management”
3- Gabriel Lenot, Presentation of the programmes of Mozaik RH dedicated to the employment of the young people and the promotion of the Diversity’
4 - Olivier Réaud, "How collaborative dynamics might help organizations to face transitions?"
Lunch and Artistic Workshop on Values with Claudine Villemot, followed by walk and discussion in the park
Luncheon Venue: Maison du Mexique: http://www.ciup.fr/en/les_maisons/maison_du_mexique
Session II (Part I and II): Diversity, Deliberation and the notion of the Common Good
Cultural Diversity and the Common Good
Moderator: Anthony Werner
1- Ghonchech Tazmini, ‘Cultural diversity and political change: the multiple trajectories of modernity. Understanding and respecting cultural diversity as the common heritage of humanity’
2- Alexandre Rojey, ‘How to find a common Vision for a sustainable development’
3 - Hélène Finidori,‘Federating efforts towards a better world. How the commons can become the meta-narrative for a paradigm shift’
4 - Paul Iordanow, ‘The Creative Academies and Europe Creative’ : Toward a Sustainable Future for the Youth.
Spiritual Diversity and the Common Good
Moderator: Rev. Dr. Alan Race
1- Rev. Dr. Richard Boeke, ‘The Elephant and the Ethic Banquet’, and speaking about ‘The Temple above the Clouds’
2- Pr Harold Kasimow, ‘Build a life as a work of Art, Heschel’s Message to young People’
3- Pr Dan McKanan, ‘Magical Traditions and the Common Good’
4- Derek McAuley, ‘Relgious Freedom and challenges to Human Rights for all. The example of the advocacy for the same sex marriage’
5- Bhai Sahib Bhai Dr. Mohinder Singh, ‘A Sikh reflection on the intergenerational dialogue for the common good to inspire a creative leadership.’
Dinner and Cruise on the Seine: hosted by Plateforme de Paris (http://www.plateformedeparis.fr)
Tuesday 27 August
(Venue: Hellenic House: http://www.ciup.fr/en/les_maisons/fondation_hellenique)
(Leadership, Capabilities, Education and the Common Good)
Meditation in the Parc Montsouris
Session I - People, Capabilities and the Common Good
Capabilities, Education and the Common Good
Moderator: Ian Mason
1- Peter Holland, ‘Family, Education and Fullfilment’
2- Prof. Jamshid Damooei, ‘Investing in Our Children is Wise and Will bring high return on investment: A close look into socioeconomic status of children in California’
3- Florence Rizzo, ‘Presentation of programmes of research and innovation in Education’
4- Prof. Mar Peter-Raoul, ‘Occupy academe: equipping all students to make and occupy a better world’
Technology, Education and Empowerment
Moderator and Introduction: Tom Mahon
1- Bastien Guerry,‘Education and Free Culture: As We May Learn’
2- Philippe Le Godinnec, ‘Presentation of the e-programmes dedicated to Sustainable Development :’ ‘Eyes on Communities’ and the international Tribunal for Nature
Tea/Coffee Break
Peace, Justice, and Education for the Common Good
Moderator: Peter Holland
1- Dr. Audrey Kitagawa, ‘Global Engagement: Creating Cooperation and Friendship through Culture and Track II Diplomacy’
2- Uli Spalthoff, ‘The spirit of Ubuntu and the Common Good’
3- Pascal Décarpes, "Common Good in criminal justice: toward European alternatives to prison?’
4- Humera Javed, ‘The Spiritual Heritage Education Network (SHEN) and the common good’
5- Vanessa Bassil, ‘Peace Journalism and the Common Good’
Lunch & A Conversation/Dialogue with Ann Hallock, Mohammed Inuwa, Issifu Arimiyao, and workshop with Dr. Mustafa Traore
Luncheon Venue: Maison du Mexique: http://www.ciup.fr/en/les_maisons/maison_du_mexique
1- Ann Hallock, Mohammed Inuwa, Issifu Arimiyao
Sharing experience about ‘Unity and Diversity’ :
‘From USA and Africa, an intercultural and intergenerational dialogue’.
2- Dr Mustafa Traore
Sharing experience about ‘Unity in Diversity’
An intercultural dialogue and activities promoted by the NGO ‘AnOpenEye’.
Panel Discussion II (Part I and II): Making the Shift with People for the Common Good
Making the Shift:The Global Sharing Economy
1- Moderator & Introduction: Rajesh Makwana, An Introduction to Economic Sharing
2- Francine Mestrum: The Social Commons: Social Protection in the Age of Sharing
3- Adam Parsons: Sharing the World’s Wealth, Power and Resources
4- Steve Szeghi, Breaking the Boundaries of Rational Calculation for the sake of the Common Good
Making the Shift: Education encouraging Leadership for the Common Good
Moderator: Sesto Giovanni Castagnoli
“Globalisation, Youth Leadership and the Common Good: A Conversation with Children of the Earth (COE):
1- Dr. Nina Meyerhof (President of Children of the Earth (Coe), USA) with Rosie Haywood, “Coe: Introduction”
2- Saskia Troy (Coe, Netherlands)
‘Sustainable Leadership within the 21st century. On the role of education in economics and business’
3- Princess Ougaka (Coe, Nigeria)
‘Living together in a matter of understanding for the youth: unity and diversity’
4- Katrina Aung-Sumalin (Coe, Thailand)
Youth Leaders for the common good
5- Luc A. Logan (Coe, USA)
Globalization: imagining globalization as movement for the common good
6- Mark Harris (Coe, Canada)
How to live the Common Good as a Youth in Canada
7.30pm-l ate
Conference Gala Dinner and the GCGI Award Ceremony, hosted at La Maison des Polytechniciens, à Saint-Germain-dès-Près, Paris+ : http://www.maisondesx.com/
*(Residential participants please be ready by 6.30pm to board the coach)
+ The Hôtel de Poulpry
“To gather in a convivial generations of students and all lovers of elegance”
The Founding-Conveners of the GCGI Paris Conference is pleased to invite you to the Hôtel Poulpry which became the House of Polytechniciens. This is a very exquisite, elegant, and historical restaurant located in the very heart of the famous 'Saint Germain des Près', near the Seine, the Louvre and the OrsayMuseum.
Wednesday 28 August
(Venue: Hellenic House: http://www.ciup.fr/en/les_maisons/fondation_hellenique )
Meditation in the Parc Montsouris
Engaging Youth for Positive Social Change and the Common Good Workshop with the team of Young Leaders of Youth Time/ Rhodes Youth Forum
Moderator: Prof. Kamran Mofid
Ms. Julia Kinash, President of the International Movement Youth Time (YT), Prague, Czech Republic, “Youth Time and Rhodes Youth Forum: An Introduction”
“The Contribution of Youth-led Social Entrepreneurship to build a better world: An Intergenerational Dialogue”
Julia Kinash (YT, CzechRepublic)
Thomas Wanker (YT, Italy)
Nikolas Papageorgious (YT, Germany)
Oksana Andrusyak (YT, Ukraine)
Dan Alex Florea (YT, Romania)
Kamynin Pavel (YT, Russia)
Chernova Evgeniya (YT, Russia)
Lillikovich Olesya (YT, Russia)
Markova Lucie (YT, CzechRepublic)
11.00am-12.00 Noon
Closing Remarks and Moving Forward to the GCGI 12th Annual Conference, School of Economic Science, Waterperry House, Oxford
Prof. Kamran Mofid
Mr. Ian Mason
Dr. Peter Bowman
Mr. Peter Holland
Lunch and farewell
Optional Post- Conference Tour
Thursday 29 and Friday 30 August
Important notice for those who are joining the tour:
Wednesday 28 August: From 2.00pm onwards, Free Time
Thursday and Friday: Breakfast at the Cafeteria, Main House. Breakfast is the responsibility of the participants. Prices very reasonable, from around 4 Euros PP
List of Speakers
*Ms Oksana Andrusyak, YT, Ukraine
*Ms Vanessa Bassil, YT and Founder, MAP-Media Association for Peace, Lebanon
*Rev. Dr. Richard Boeke, Chair, the British Chapter of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) and Vice-President, World Congress of Faiths, London, UK
*Dr. Peter Bowman, Head of Economics, School of Economic Science, UK
*Mr. Sesto Giovanni Castagnoli, Evolutant and Entrepreneur, Founder, WSF World Spirit Forum, Switzerland
*Ms Evgeniya Chernova, YT, Russia
*Prof. Jamshid Damooei,Co-director, Centre for Leadership and Values, School of Management, California Lutheran University, USA
*Mr Pascal Décarpes, expert in the field of criminology notably before the United Nations, deputy Secretary-General of the French Society of Criminology and Substitute Member of Management Committee to COST Action IS1106 “Offender Supervision in Europe”, France-Germany
*Mr Jean-Paul Deveze, Démocratie et Spiritualité, porte-parole du Pacte civique, France
*Prof. Clause Dierksmeier, Director, Global Ethic Institute, University of Tubingen, Germany
*Mr Mohammed Inuwana, Anansi, Ghana
*Mr Arimiyao Issifu, African Art and Culture, Ghana
*Mr Paul Iordanow, Head of The Creation Academies, France
*Ms. Helene Finidori, International Consultant, France-Spain
*MrDan Alex Florea, YT, Romania
*Mr Mark Harris, Coe, Canada
*Mr Bastien Guerry, Consultant Education/Technology, Common good(s) and free software specialist, Move Commons, OLPC France, ShareLex, OLPC, France
*Dr Violaine Hacker, European Studies Department, Sorbonne, France
*Mr Nicolas Hazard, Président at Le Comptoir de l’Innovation, Vice-President at Groupe SOS, France
*Dr Ann Hallock, former Prof. Of behavioural medicine, Michigan State University, USA
*Ms. Rosie Haywood, Coe, USA
*Mr. Peter Holland, School of Economic Science, London, UK
*Ms. Humera Javed, Education & Inclusion Coordinator at the Diversity & Equity Office, Wilfrid Laurier University, and Board of Director of Spiritual Heritage Education Network (SHEN), Waterloo, Canada
*Prof. Harold Kasimow, George Drake Professor of Religious Studies, Grinnell College, USA
*Dr. Ernst von Kimakowitz, Director and co-founder of the Humanistic Management Center, St. Gallen, Switzerland
*Ms. Julia Kinash, President of the International Movement Youth Time, Prague, Czech Republic
*Audrey E. Kitagawa, JD, is President/Founder of the International Academy for Transcultural Cooperation, President, Light of Awareness International Spiritual Family, Founding Trustee, New York City Peace Museum, and host of Our Sacred Journey on World Talk Radio, VoiceAmerica 7th Wave Channel, USA
*Mr Philippe Le Godinnec, CEO of SOS21, Head of Eye On Earth Communities, Member of Le Pacte Civique, France
*Ms. Gabriel Lenot, Mosaik RH, Promoting Diversity in Human Resources, France
*Ms Olesya Lillikovich, YT, Russia
*Mr Luc A. Logan, Coe, USA
*Ms Markova Lucie, YT, Czech Republic
*Mr. Tom Mahon, Analyst and Author, Silicon Valley, San Francisco, USA
*Mr. Raymond Makewell, School of Economic Science, UK and Australia
*Mr. Rajesh Makwana, Director, Share the World's Resources, UK
*Mr. Derek McAuley, Chief Officer of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, UK
*Dr. Dan McKanan, Ralph Waldo Emerson Unitarian Universalist Association Senior Lecturer in Divinity, Harvard Divinity School, USA
*Mr. Ian Mason, Principal of the School of Economic Science, London, UK
*Mrs Francine Mestum, CETRI and Forum social Mondial, Belgium
*Dr. Nina Meyerhof, President of Children of the Earth (Coe), USA
*Prof. Kamran Mofid, Founder, Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI), UK
* Princess Ougaka, Coe, Nigeria
*Mr Nikolas Papageorgious, YT, Germany
*Mr Kamynin Pavel, YT, Russia
*Rev. Dr. Alan Race, Editor-in-Chief, “Interreligious Insight”, UK&USA
*Mr Olivier Réaud, CEO of In Principo (Collaborative Management), France
*Mr Stéphane Riot, Founder of NoveTerra (Facilitateur de transition(s)), France
*Ms. Florence Rizzo, Syn-Lab (Meaningful Learning Innovations), France
*Prof. Claude Rochet, Professeur des universités, Head of the Economic Intelligence-ministère de l’Economie et des Finances, France
*Mrs Alide Roerink, board member of the Alliance for the University for Peace, NVVN (United Nations Associations Netherlands) and SIGN (Schoolfeeding Initiative Ghana Netherlands), National Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development (NCDO) – Earth Charter
*Mr. Alexandre Rojey, Foundation Tuck, France
*Mr. Adam Parsons, Share the World's Resources, UK
*Prof. Mar Peter-Raoul, Marist College, Kenya-USA
*Dr. Uli Spalthoff, Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, Germany
*Mr Jean-Louis Sanchez, ODAS-Observatoire nationale de l’action sociale décentralisée, and Collectif pour la Fraternité, France
*Mr Bhai Sahib Bhai Dr. Mohinder Singh, Chairman, Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha, Birmingham, UK
*Ms Katrina Aung-Sumalin, Coe, Thailand
*Prof. Steve Szeghi,Dept of Economics, Wilmington College, Ohio, USA
*Ms. Ghoncheh Tazmini, Institute for Strategic and International Studies, Portugal
*Mr Mustafa Traore, Lecturer at the Sorbonne, founder of AnOpenEye
*Miss Saskia Troy, Coe, Netherlands
*Mme Nicole Vaucherez-Fondeneige, La Vie Nouvelle, Le Pacte Civique, France-Belgium
*Mrs. Caudine Villemot, Artist and Human Resources-Trainer, Allemagne-Autriche-Suisse, France
*Mr Thomas Wanker, YT, Italy
*Mr. Anthony Werner, Editor-in-Chief, Shepheard-Walwyn Publishers, London, UK
*Pr Jean-Pierre Worms, Researcher-Sociology at the CNRS, former Member of the parliament, engaged in different organisations such like Fonda, Initiative France, UnisCité, France
See GCGI 2014 Oxford Conference: Call for Presentation and Participation
“The Value of Values: Spiritual Wisdom in Everyday Life”
- Democracy for Sale: UK Today
- Shahnameh: The Epic of the Persian Kings
- The Tragedy of Africa: The Scourge of the Youth Unemployment (The Lost Generation)
- The Shaming of Europe: The Scourge of the Youth Unemployment (The Lost Generation)
- The Inspiring Story of a Giant Sequoia (Mammoth Tree) of California
- Britain discovering its moral compass: We can now borrow at 5,853% APR!
- Austerity and its Consequences: No Hope for the Youth