I- KAMRAN’s Blog: Dedicated to the Common Good- aiming to be a source of hope and inspiration; enabling us all to move from despair to hope; darkness to light and competition to cooperation. “Let the beauty we love be what we do.”-Rumi
II- KAMRAN MOFID’s GUEST’s BLOG: Here on The Guest Blog you’ll find commentary, analysis, insight and at times provocation from some of the world’s influential and spiritual thought leaders as they weigh in on critical questions about the state of the world, the emerging societal issues, the dominant socio-economic logic, globalisation, money, markets, sustainability, dialogue, cooperation, environment, media, spirituality, faith, culture, the youth, the purpose of business and economic life, the crucial role of leadership, and the challenges facing economic, business, management, education, and more.
“When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming together it is the beginning of reality.”—Helder Camara
Angel Oak Tree, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Photo: pinterest.com
- Details
- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 15683
Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI)
Announcing the 12th Annual International Conference
Call for Presentation and Participation
From Oxford 2002 to Oxford 2014: Portrait of a Great Journey for the Common Good
Plater College, Oxford (2002) - St. Petersburg, Russia (2003) - Dubai, UAE (2004) - Nairobi and Kericho, Kenya(2005) - Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (2006) - Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey (2007) - Trinity College, University of Melbourne, Australia (2008) - Loyola University, Chicago, USA (2009) - California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California, USA (2010) - Alexandria Bibliotheca, Alexandria, Egypt (2011—Postponed, due to the Revolution in Egypt) - School of Economic Science, Oxford Campus, Waterperry House, Oxford (2012) - Cité universitaire internationale, Paris (2013)- School of Economic Science, Oxford Campus, Waterperry House, Oxford (2014)
“The Value of Values: Spiritual Wisdom in Everyday Life”
Waterperry House, Oxford
Sunday 31 August- Thursday 4 September, 2014
Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI)
Annual Conference Series
In association with
School of Economic Science is delighted to announce that it will host the 12th annual conference of Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative. This major global conference is being convened by Prof. Kamran Mofid, Founder, Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative and Mr. Ian Mason, Principal of the School of Economic Science.
“The Value of Values: Spiritual Wisdom in Everyday Life”
Businesses, governments, institutions, and societies are experiencing ever-increasing complexity, multiple systemic challenges, unpredictability, volatility and constant change. Patterns of possibility and patterns of crises are emerging which are inter-connected and inter-dependent. Oneness and consciousness of individuals, organizations and whole-systems can transform crises into possibilities with lasting positive results.
We have important spiritual resources that can assist and guide us to overcome these crises, and create a better world of peace and universal brother/sisterhood. Throughout history spirituality and spiritual values have helped to sustain life, love and laughter in challenging life conditions. Our universal spiritual values will focus our minds on our common humanity and destiny. The renaissance of this traditional way of being ignites the heart of compassion and love for the common good into positive action.
This Conference will attempt to approach spirituality as a resource for renewal. Moreover, it will also approach nature as a source of wisdom and explore the potential of this vision for management theories and practices. As our mindset is currently so strongly imbued with materialistic and instrumental approaches to nature, we need to be challenged by radical ideas to disclose new horizons. The Conference will also attempt to help participants find answers to questions on “Spiritual Wisdom in Everyday Life” with a focus on the four themes below:
*What is the relationship between the inner life of spirit and the outer life of service in the interest of the Common Good?
*What spiritual values apply in economics, education, business, management and ecology?
*“How can the secular and sacred elements of life be better integrated to advance the common good?
*How can the wisdom and insight gained through inner exploration be used to better our individual and collective health?
In short, how do we regain the basic values of a healthy society? How do we integrate the values of finance, business and economics, with those of families and communities? Can we discard market-fundamentalism, the false belief that market knows best, and begin to believe that “The market was made for human beings - not human beings to serve the market”? How can we discard the false values of modern economics and in the real understanding that the only things that have value in themselves are love, beauty and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom?
Applying our common spiritual values as sources for renewal is, in large part, a matter of how this Conference hopes to respond to the economic, social, and ecological mandate now placed before us by the converging crises of our time. This is our moral assignment. As a matter of personal and societal responsibility, we can enter fully into reshaping economic policy and economic behaviour on behalf of the common good.
Meet our Keynote Speakers:
Luk Bouckaert, emeritus professor of ethics at the Catholic University of Leuven (K.U. Leuven, Belgium) and President of the European SPES Forum, Belgium) www.spes-forum.be
Dr. Ulrich Duchrow, Professor of systematic theology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany and Co-founder and moderator of Kairos Europa Homepage of Ulrich Duchrow
Prof. Farhang Jahanpour, former Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Languages at the University of Isfahan, a former Senior Fulbright Research Scholar at Harvard, and former Editor, Middle East and North Africa, the BBC. For the past 28 years he has taught at the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Oxford and is a member of Kellogg College.
Dr. Walter Schwimmer, Former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Chairman of the International Coordination Committee (ICC) of the World Public Forum – Dialogue of Civilizations (WPFDC), and President of the European Democracy Forum in Strassburg.
Call for Presentation and Participation
Complex world problems and intricate global issues require the coming together of multiple areas of expertise, experience, perspectives and insight.
The GCGI Oxford Conference is intended to be a multi- and inter-disciplinary dialogue that aims to bring together people from a wide range of disciplines, professions and NGOs on what “Spiritual Wisdom in Everyday Life” means and entails with a focus on the four conference themes. We seek contributions from both practitioners and academics, and from the widest possible range of intellectual interests and commitment.
The great relevance and timeliness of this topic, and its theme, hardly needs to be stated: nothing is of greater importance at present than the necessity of keeping rigorous and constructive debate and dialogue between different disciplines, ideas and values to address the global economic and financial situations and conditions. We are convinced that much of the ongoing and steadily exacerbating discord arises from an unwillingness to communicate and bridge gaps in understanding, especially where issues of religion, philosophy, ethics, spirituality, economics, globalisation and capitalism are concerned.
Submission of Abstracts
The conference welcomes abstracts from academicians, researchers, activists, organizers, officials, post-grad/ doctoral students, and others specializing in a range of disciplines, including, education, theology, philosophy, ethics, history, political science, international relations, conflict analysis and peace research, economics, business studies, law, sociology, media studies and journalism, psychology, health sciences and medicine, environmental studies and geography. Contributions are also invited from persons in government, civil society, diplomacy, law, the media, the health professions and business, as well as those involved in religious and Interreligious dialogue. Proposals that adopt an inter/multi-disciplinary, intercultural or Interreligious perspective are especially welcome.
Proposals should be received no later than 9 May, 2014. We very much welcome early submission of abstracts.
Proposals should include:
- Title of proposed presentation, workshop, or roundtable
- A 250-word abstract, highlighting the proposal's relevance to one or other of the key themes outlined above.
- Author's name and institutional affiliation (if any); as well as an up-to 100 words biographical note on the presenter. Please include your email address and website, if available.
All proposals will be assessed by an inter-disciplinary committee, and applicants will be informed of the Organizing Committee's decision in an ongoing process, so as to facilitate the applicants’ travelling arrangements.
Paper Presentations
In addition to the keynote speakers and plenary sessions, it is envisaged that four parallel sessions/roundtables will be organised as panel debates. Each parallel session will focus on one of the four core themes. Paper presenters will be invited to comment on a selected position statement (10 minutes). The remaining time is for discussion.
Presenters are strongly encouraged not to read their papers verbatim: draft papers, or at least a working summary of it will be available on the web site prior to the conference beginning. We hope that presenters will instead speak to the significant points raised in their papers, encouraging dialogue, engagement and a rewarding debate. The GCGI does not accept papers for presentation in abstention or via electronic means.
Publications Process
All papers accepted for and presented at the conference will be eligible for inclusion in our e-journal, Journal of Globalization for the Common Good.
Selected papers may be invited to go forward for development into 15-20 page chapters for publication in a themed ISBN hard copy volume. The decision whether to proceed to hard copy publication will be taken by the Organising Chairs, the host institute, and the Steering Group within four weeks of the conference close and is subject to availability of funding.
Please submit your abstract to Prof. Kamran Mofid
Email: k.mofid@gcgi.info This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Please note: For all advance enquiry about registration contact Mr. Peter Holland,the event organiser.
Email: petermholland36@hotmail.com
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