I- KAMRAN’s Blog: Dedicated to the Common Good- aiming to be a source of hope and inspiration; enabling us all to move from despair to hope; darkness to light and competition to cooperation. “Let the beauty we love be what we do.”-Rumi
II- KAMRAN MOFID’s GUEST’s BLOG: Here on The Guest Blog you’ll find commentary, analysis, insight and at times provocation from some of the world’s influential and spiritual thought leaders as they weigh in on critical questions about the state of the world, the emerging societal issues, the dominant socio-economic logic, globalisation, money, markets, sustainability, dialogue, cooperation, environment, media, spirituality, faith, culture, the youth, the purpose of business and economic life, the crucial role of leadership, and the challenges facing economic, business, management, education, and more.
“When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming together it is the beginning of reality.”—Helder Camara
Angel Oak Tree, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Photo: pinterest.com
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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 1380
The state of our world today and the prophetic words of John Ruskin
'John Ruskin was the greatest critic of his age: a critic not only of art and architecture but of society and life. But his writings - on beauty and truth, on work and leisure, on commerce and capitalism, on life and how to live it - can teach us more than ever about how to see the world around us clearly and how to live it.'-Suzanne Fagence Cooper, Author, To See Clearly: Why Ruskin Matters
'He believed life should be beautiful, inequality was an outrage and that capitalism leads to aesthetic degradation. No wonder the quintessential Victorian speaks so powerfully to our times.'- Larry Ryan, The Guardian
‘God has lent us the earth for our life; it is a great entail. It belongs as much to those who are to come after us, and whose names are already written in the book of creation, as to us; we have no right, by any thing that we do or neglect, to involve them in unnecessary penalties, or deprive them of benefits which it was in our power to bequeath …’- John Ruskin
Ruskin, another legend who, like Wordsworth, was inspired by the Lake District.
“The first thing that I remember, as an event in life, was being taken by my nurse to the brow of Friar's Crag on Derwent Water; the intense joy, mingled with awe, that I had in looking through the hollows in the mossy roots, over the crag, into the dark lake, has associated itself more or less with all twining roots ever since."- John Ruskin
- “Now comes good sailing” whilst nature and simple living were his solace
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