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This is what has been wrong with Britain for a long time now: The Madness of the Posh Boys!

‘Why Are Our Politicians So Crap?’ The rise and fall of Britain’s political class


I was Boris Johnson’s boss: he is utterly unfit to be prime minister 

Brexit: The Key Lessons- Now is the time for hope to build on the ruins

The ‘Independence Day’, Not Long to Go!

The Moral Blindness of the English Posh Boys

Another poignant example of the madness of the posh boys! 

This man is the leader of the House of Commons, The Mother of Parliaments!

'It was one of the most consequential debates in parliamentary history. Indeed, the grave subject of whether or not to hand control of the Brexit process to those seeking to avoid no deal appeared to weigh particularly heavily on the shoulders of Jacob Rees-Mogg, who spent a significant portion of the time slouched on the government front bench.'- The Guardian

Photo: vincegolangco.com

Greed of Profit Maximisation and the Robbery of the Century in London

Don’t Despair, Walk On

Not all is lost. Our country will rise again: Good Judges, Good People with Good Moral Compass. 

Head of Supreme Court of the United Kingdom Lady Brenda Hale announces ruling, that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's decision to prorogue parliament was unlawful in London, Sept. 24, 2019. Photo:abcnews.go.com

Thank you Lady Hale, head of our supreme court. Thank you for who you are and what you do. Thank you for being one of us, the people’s lady. Thank you for being ordinary, the daughter of two headteachers. Thank you for going to a state school in Yorkshire. Thank you for not being posh, arrogant and moral-free.

Who is Lady Hale? The judge just delivered a new Brexit blow to Boris Johnson

Brenda Hale, Baroness Hale of Richmond

Supreme Court ruling: Lady Hale's summary in full as judges rule prorogation of parliament 'unlawful and void'

Lady Hale: a career of breaking barriers in the judiciary

And we must remember, Gina Miller, most affectionately, the people’s campaigner for the common good

Gina Miller: the woman who took on the UK government and won – twice

...And the real winners are the common people of Britain, who by and large, in contrast to their rulers, have not lost their moral compass. This is my reason to be hopeful and keep dreaming about a better Britain: Britain engulfed in corruption: In defence of the common people