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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 513
This posting is to honour and celebrate the lives, works and achievements of Bruno Pereira and Dom Phillips, who on 5 June 2022, paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting and saving the Amazon Rainforest for all humanity.
The Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest living tree species in the world. IMAGENAVI/ALAMY STOCK PHOTO
'It is the sole survivor of an ancient group of trees that date back to before dinosaurs roamed the Earth – creatures that lived between 245 and 66 million years ago. It’s so ancient, the species is known as a 'living fossil'.
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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 335
Eruption of Hope in the midst of Sinful Ecological Degradation and Climate Crisis
Hope is the torch that shines light on the plague of darkness
A path to spiritual enlightenment and hope to heal and nurture our Mother Nature
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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 1393
Thomas Berry (November 9, 1914 – June 1, 2009), Influential Christian eco-philosopher – or as he put it, a 'geologian'
June 1st 2023 is the 14th anniversary of Fr.Thomas Berry’s passing in 2009. We need him now more than ever.
His visionary ideas continue to inspire so many people all over the world.
“Thomas Berry was the earliest and most important voice to describe the profound importance of the disconnection between humans and the natural world, and what that could mean for the future of our species.” -Richard Louv, author of “Last Child in the Woods"
- Remembering my friend, publisher and a wise teacher, Anthony Werner
- Ark of Light and Hope: Co-creating our Future Together
- Eruption of Light and Hope: Earth Day 2023
- Hope is truly what the world is yearning for this Easter empowering us to imagine a better world
- Britain and Slavery: The Shame of our Historical Amnesia of Past Guilt