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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 1016
If something is abundantly so clear, it is extremely obvious and self-evident
Discover what you love, what you value
Then,for sure, you will look after it.
‘Let the beauty we love be what we do.’- Rumi
Be in love with life and the living and the world will be a better place.- Kamran Mofid
The time is now to challenge the accepted wisdom that has denied and degraded
the people and the environment
Neoliberalism destroys human potential and devastates everything that is good and valuable
Photo: Kamran Mofid, a flower of love from our garden, Coventry, July 2021
To save the world I urge you to move from amor fati, 'embracing our fate', to amor mundi, ‘love of the world’.
Walking in Love for our Children’s Sake
Surely, as we love our children, then, we must also love the world. We must act now, so that we may maintain a prosperous economy and a cohesive and just society that will not leave an enormous burden and costs on future generations, our children and grandchildren. This is our moral and spiritual calling
Lest We Forget: The key that will unlock the door to amor mundi is EDUCATION. But, of course, Not any EDUCATION!
'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.' ―
‘Education is the point at which we decide whether we love the world enough to assume responsibility for it and by the same token save it from that ruin which, except for renewal, except for the coming of the new and young, would be inevitable. And education, too, is where we decide whether we love our children enough not to expel them from our world and leave them to their own devices, nor to strike from their hands their chance of undertaking something new, something unforeseen by us, but to prepare them in advance for the task of renewing a common world.’— Hannah Arendt, The Crisis in Education
‘From the Latin educare, to educate means to lead into or draw out. Education is the activity of leading a child into the world, of drawing her into the world. Parents educate their children by drawing them out of their private selves and into the world of the family, their community, and their society.
‘Schools educate, in turn, by drawing students out of the confines of their families and into the wider political and social world. Education is always an entry into an old world. And yet, it is always a new experience with infinite possibilities for every new initiate.’- Education, Hannah Arendt tells us in the quotation above, is about the love for the world…’-The Crisis in Education
The Love of the World
This is How Education Can Save The World: A Perspective from the GCGI
Lest We Forget: We are called to be guardian angels of the earth and "sons and daughters of the rainbow." The challenge is to see ourselves "as alongside things, as members of a larger planetary and cosmic community."- Leonardo Boff, Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor
Photo: HuffPost
Education to Save the World
'Some say that my teaching is nonsense.
Others call it lofty but impractical.
But to those who have looked inside themselves,
this nonsense makes perfect sense.
And to those who put it into practice,
this loftiness has roots that go deep.
I have just three things to teach:
simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and in thoughts,
you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world'.- Lao Tzu
Neoliberalism destroys human potential and devastates values-led education
The Destruction of our World and the lies of Milton Friedman
Wisdom and the Well-Rounded Life: What Is a University?
The Journey to Sophia: Education for Wisdom
The Value of Values: Why Values Matter
Nature and Me': Educating the Heart and the Soul of Children to Build a Better World
Why should we all become mother nature and sacred earth guardians
Poetry is the Education that Nourishes the Heart and Nurtures the Soul
The Age Of Perpetual Crisis: What are we to do in a world seemingly spinning out of our control?
On the 250th Birthday of William Wordsworth Let Nature be our Wisest Teacher
Have We lost the Art of Knowing What it Means to Be Human?
Detaching Nature from Economics is ‘Burning the Library of Life’
What might an Economy for the Common Good look like?
Why Happiness Should be Taught at Our Universities
The Love of the World: Reconnecting with Nature
Caring for the World, Mother Nature and the Sacred Earth: A Perspective from the GCGI
Congratulations Humans, You have finally done it: You have set the world on fire
Congratulations Humans, You have finally done it: You have set the oceans on fire
Congratulations Humans, You have finally done it: From inside out You are now fully Plasticised!
Congratulations Humans, You have finally done it: You have now suffocated the world!
‘Nature and Me’: Realigning and Reconnecting with Mother Nature’s Wisdom- A Five Part Guide
‘Nature and Me’: ‘Nature as a Cure for the Sickness of Modern Times’
‘Nature and Me’: ‘200 words to protect the planet’
'Nature and Me': Unlocking a New Vision for a Better World
Nature and Me': Educating the Heart and the Soul of Children to Build a Better World
World in Chaos: The Healing Power of Gardens
To Heal the World and People We Need to Save the Commons from Plunder
In this troubled world let the beauty of nature and simple life be our greatest teachers
Nature the Best Teacher: Re-Connecting the World’s Children with Nature
In Search of Well-being, Joy and Happiness: ‘Nature and ‘Forest Bathing’ is the Path
Are you physically and emotionally drained? I know of a good solution!
Detaching Nature from Economics is ‘Burning the Library of Life’
The healing power of ‘Dawn’ at this time of coronavirus crisis
On the 250th Birthday of William Wordsworth Let Nature be our Wisest Teacher
Crisis after Crisis: Ten Steps to Save the World
And now for your enjoyment and also to focus our minds on what is valuable, rewarding and life-enhancing,
please see this timeless video: “What a Wonderful World” with David Attenborough
'I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... What a wonderful world…'
See the Video: What A Wonderful World With David Attenborough
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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 914
‘You eat thousands of bits of plastic every year.’: ‘Our environment is so saturated now with plastic
that it seems almost inevitable that we were going to absorb it somehow.’
Our life is plasticised!
Photo:How plastic appeared in our lives
‘New research shows microplastics present in frequently consumed fruit and vegetables. It is time to ban throwaway plastic packaging and support research into the health impacts of plastic pollution. The longer we wait, the more plastic we will eat.’
Indeed paraphrasing the words of the wise First Dog on the Moon, You are now all walking plastic bags!
Yes, Humans, You have done it, You have invited chaos and disaster into your lives:
From Fish to Humans, Microplastics have invaded virtually every crevice on Earth
See also: Microplastics Have Invaded The Deep Ocean — And The Food Chain
Microplastics have invaded the food supply
Plastic bags and bottles littered on a beach.-Photo: plastic pollution
Tiny bits of plastic have seeped into soil, water, air, rivers and oceans, the food chain and more, posing a life-changing threat to animals and humans.
You’re eating microplastics in ways you don’t even realise
Are You Eating Plastic for Dinner? | Short Film Showcase
‘The plastic in our bodies’
‘When two Austrian scientists discovered last year that it's likely most people have plastic inside their bodies, it wasn’t because they had invented some new, complicated scientific method. It was because they were the first to check.
‘Their approach was simple. They asked eight people, mostly in Europe, but also in Japan and Russia, to keep a weeklong food diary. Then, they examined stool samples from their subjects, looking for plastic.
‘They found it in every single one: On average, 20 tiny pieces in each 10 grams of stool; given that humans poop on average 400 to 500 grams a day, that means their subjects were likely passing some 800 to 1,000 pieces of so-called microplastic daily…’ Continue to read
See also: From Fish to Humans, A Microplastic Invasion May Be Taking a Toll
‘We are what we eat, and what we eat reveals something about what we are in return. So it shouldn’t be all that surprising that
humans are now apparently eating plastic, given what we mostly are is thoughtless enough to have littered the planet with the stuff.’- Gaby Hinsliff, The Guardian, 23 October 2018
Our life is plasticised!
‘New research shows microplastics present in frequently consumed fruit and vegetables. It is time to ban throwaway plastic packaging and support research into the health impacts of plastic pollution. The longer we wait, the more plastic we will eat.'
‘Researchers at the University of Catania, Italy, discovered tiny plastic particles in fruit and vegetables like carrots, lettuce, apples, and pears.
‘Apples had one of the highest microplastic counts in fruit, with an average of 195,500 plastic particles per gram, while pears averaged around 189,500 plastic particles per gram. Broccoli and carrots were shown to be the most contaminated vegetables, averaging more than 100,000 plastic particles per gram.
‘Two studies published earlier found that microplastics are penetrating the roots of lettuce and wheat plants, and nanoplastics were absorbed by plant roots. Fruits and vegetables can accumulate microplastics through uptake from microplastic-contaminated water or soil. When we take a bite of an apple, we are almost certainly consuming microplastics along with it…’- Continue to read
And finally, all said and done, the pertinent question must surely be:
Then, what are we going to do about this man-made crisis?
To my mind, the solution is very simple, should we be wise enough to see it! Simply said, rediscover yourself and realise what is important, precious and priceless.
Yes, it is you and your health. So, begin to eat healthily and wholesomely. Give up junk food, unhealthy and expensive takeaways and more. Know your food, where it has come from, how it has been produced and marketed.
All in all, stop abusing your body, your diet and health, and do the same for your family and friends. This is the first step.
It’s so easy to forget the power of what is on our dinner plate for good or bad!!
Now, when you value yourself and those close to you, you will also begin to value Mother Nature and your home, our Sacred Earth, and then likewise, you will stop abusing the environment. Because, now you know, how important they are to your own sustainability and good health.
You are now ready to take the necessary steps in the interest of the common good to further your new vision and mission for a better life.
See, I told you, it is so simple to be good!! So now, please join the club:
Slow Food for the Common Good to save the World
'If It’s Good for You, It’s Good for the Planet Too!'
Photo:Slow Food International
The way we eat, the food we eat, is a guidance on how seriously we are taking care of ourselves and the Mother Nature
"What we eat is one of the most powerful drivers behind most of the world's major environmental issues,
whether it's climate change or biodiversity loss."-Joseph Poore, University of Oxford
“Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine, And Thy Medicine Be Thy Food.” -Hippocrates, The Father of Medicine
What is Slow Food for the Common Good?
The Message to the World: Time is running out for a world at risk of war with itself,
destroying the only collective home we have, Our Sacred Earth
The Time is Now to Take Action.
‘Time is running out for a world at risk…threats that were considered inconceivable, no longer are.’
A Call to Action from Our Children and Grandchildren.
We Must Not Let Them Down!
Congratulations Humans, You have finally done it: You have set the world on fire
Congratulations Humans, You have finally done it: You have set the oceans on fire
‘Nature and Me’: Realigning and Reconnecting with Mother Nature’s Wisdom- A Five Part Guide
- Details
- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 892
Photo: Is the Gulf of Mexico Still on Fire? The Pipeline Ocean Fire, Explained
'Humans caught the ocean on fire': Gas pipeline fire in Gulf of Mexico creates shocking scene
‘The ocean is on fire is one of those things that you can type and it’s true and yet it doesn’t feel believable.’- Brian Kahn, Via Twitter
‘Mexican publications and journalists reporting on the incident shared videos showing a harrowing scene: A orange glow below the boiling surface of the ocean — and boats spraying streams of water, in an apparent attempt to put out the fire. One of the most popular videos quickly racked up more than 10 million views on Twitter.
'Never in your life forget the time humans caught the ocean on fire and then tried to put it out by spraying water on it,'tweeted podcaster Dave Anthony...'Humans caught the ocean on fire': Gas pipeline fire in Gulf of Mexico creates shocking scene
And now for your further interest, a profoundly meaningful reflection on this matter
by the one and only First Dog on the Moon
‘Someone might lose their job – there might be a fine – there might not – nothing changes’- Photo: Via The Guardian
The ocean is on fire – humans have finally done it
And Now a Pick from our Archive
This is only the Beginning, The World is Burning: Time to Wake up and Take the Right Steps
Photo: ‘The devastation of human life is in view’: what a burning world tells us about climate change
The Wisdom of Mother Nature belongs to all Life.
Let be guided and inspired by Her and Save the Web of Life
'Be like the sun for grace and mercy.
Be like the night to cover others’ faults.
Be like running water for generosity.
Be like death for rage and anger.
Be like the Earth for modesty.
Appear as you are.
Be as you appear.'- Rumi
Photo: Petal Republic
This is only the Beginning, The World is Burning: Time to Wake up and Take the Right Steps
Live Like a Bird: Philosophical and Wise
‘Nature and Me’: Realigning and Reconnecting with Mother Nature’s Wisdom- A Five Part Guide
Crisis after Crisis: Ten Steps to Save the World
More Thoughtful Reflections from First Dog on the Moon
Photo: BANDT
- Congratulations Humans, You have finally done it: You have set the world on fire
- It’s Now or Never: Do You Want to Know what Normal was before Wishing it Back?
- Live Like a Bird: Philosophical and Wise
- Lest We Forget: It was in 1847 that a US Congressman Warned of Man-made Global Warming and Environmental Degradation...
- ‘Down With Élites! How Rousseau Predicted Trump’