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- Written by: Kamran Mofid, PhD
- Hits: 6092
A Reflection by Kamran Mofid
There is a lot going on in the UK and the rest of the world and in particular in Canada and France, amongst others, which I strongly believe is very relevant to all the good things that we are all involved with, including the value-based economics/business education and globalisation for the common good, for example. The headline in today’s Guardian (14 November 2010) is all about how the new coalition Government in Britain is aiming to make happiness and well-being a major part of how the “New” GDP should be measured. I hope they mean what they say. Sometimes, given the record of politicians of all parties, it is so difficult to believe them.
I am, nonetheless, very excited about all these. At least they are talking sense for a change! I like what I am hearing. I was amongst a number of economists whom many years ago, well before it became fashionable to say so, began to write and speak about this. It was very costly to me, professionally and personally. I said what I said, at the height of Thatcherism, Reaganism and the dreaded Washington Consensus. However, now I am humbled by the turn of events. Who said there is no justice in this world!
Below I have provided you with a sample of what I wrote and said all those years ago, as well as the links to the articles in the Guardian. They speak for themselves. This is a golden opportunity for us all to come together for the common good. Let us explore and see how our collective wisdom, work, experience and know- how can be utilised, so that indeed the politicians will carry out what they say they wish to do. We, together, must ensure words will be translated into actions. We must ensure that this is not only a gimmick, indexing and measuring! We know that great thinkers and sages throughout the ages have all reminded us that measuring happiness and well-being is always more than just a box-ticking exercise.
They must be encouraged to see the bigger pictures of life by asking the deeper questions that rarely find their way into political debate or public discourse. The questions that are deeply spiritual: What is the source of true happiness and well-being? What is the good life? What is the purpose of economic life? What is true affluence? What is genuine wealth? Does money hold the secret to having a happy life? Should money be a means to an end or the goal itself? Other questions include: What is education? What is knowledge? What does it mean to be a human being living on a spaceship with finite resources? How can we contribute to creating the new civilisation for the common good?
For me, these are some of the most important questions, requiring a great deal of attention, reflection and thoughtfulness. How can one proposes paths of happiness if one does not know who he/she is, where have they come from, where are going to, and what is the purpose of this journey we call life?
In order to heal ourselves, to heal our Mother Earth, to propose solutions to the many and varied global crises we must learn, once again, The Art of Living in a loving and caring World. We cannot begin this journey, without, first and foremost, finding inner-peace and contentment ourselves first. We should acknowledge that a truly genuine and sustainable world is grounded in what is most valuable in life: love, meaningful relationships, family, friendship, freedom, sufficiency, comradeship, volunteerism, altruism, cooperation, kindness, generosity, sympathy and empathy.
On these and please read more on the GCGI website.
What I said all those years ago
“From 1980 onwards, for the next twenty years, I taught economics in universities, enthusiastically demonstrating how economic theories provided answers to problems of all sorts. I got quite carried away by the beauty, the sophisticated elegance of complicated mathematical models and theories. But gradually I started to have an empty feeling.
I began to ask fundamental questions of myself. Why did I never talk to my students about compassion, dignity, comradeship, solidarity, happiness, spirituality – about the meaning of life? We never debated the biggest questions. Who are we? Where have we come from? Where are we going to?
I told them to create wealth, but I did not tell them for what reason. I told them about scarcity and competition, but not about abundance and co-operation. I told them about free trade, but not about fair trade; about GNP – Gross National Product – but not about GNH – Gross National Happiness. I told them about profit maximisation and cost minimisation, about the highest returns to the shareholders, but not about social consciousness, accountability to the community, sustainability and respect for creation and the creator. I did not tell them that, without humanity, economics is a house of cards built on shifting sands.
These conflicts caused me much frustration and alienation, leading to heartache and despair. I needed to rediscover myself and a real- life economics. After a proud twenty-year or so academic career, I became a student all over again. I would study theology and philosophy, disciplines nobody had taught me when I was a student of economics and I did not teach my own students when I became a teacher of economics.
It was at this difficult time that I came to understand that I needed to bring spirituality, compassion, ethics and morality back into economics itself, to make this dismal science once again relevant to and concerned with the common good. It was now that I made the following discoveries:
• Living happily is “the desire of us all, but our minds is blinded to a clear vision of just what it is that makes life happy”. The root of happiness is ethical behaviour, and thus the ancient idea of moral education and cultivation, is essential to ideal of joyfulness”…Read more on the GCGI.info website.
The Guardian articles:
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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 11662
Kamran Mofid*
Adjunct Professor, Dalhousie School of Business,
Dalhousie University, Canada
Public Lecture Presented at
School of Business Administration
Dalhousie University
Wednesday 3 November 2010
Where is the life we have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
- T.S. Eliot
Greetings to you all,
Believe me I cannot find words adequate enough to tell you how happy I am to be here in Canada once again and especially in my new capacity: Adjunct Professor at one of the oldest and most respected universities, namely, Dalhousie. It is always a very special joy for me to return to Canada. It is to Canada that my wife and I first came all those years ago in the 1970s. It was in Canada that I got my first two degrees in economics. I never forget the joyous day in 1980 that my wife and I became naturalised Canadian Citizens. It is to Canada that many my close relatives came to after the Revolution in Iran. It is in Canada that all have found happiness, joy, success and well-being. To Canada, I own great thanks.
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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 5462
DR. Kamran Mofid has been appointed Adjunct Professor to the Dalhousie School of Business Administration. He will be working with faculty and students to realize the Faculty of Management’s vision to be the acknowledged centre of ‘values-based management’ whose graduates become private sector, public sector and civil society leaders who manage with integrity, focus on sustainability and make things happen.
Below see the announcement by the Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University, posted on 10 September 2010 on the Dalhousie School of Business Administration's website:
Faculty of Management News and Events
Values-based management is focus of newly-appointed professor
Posted on September 10 2010 by Janet Lord in Faculty of Management
"Kamran Mofid, PhD, has been appointed Adjunct Professor to the Dalhousie School of Business Administration. He will be working with faculty and students to realize the Faculty of Management’s vision to be the acknowledged centre of ‘values-based management’ whose graduates become private sector, public sector and civil society leaders who manage with integrity, focus on sustainability and make things happen.
Mofid is the founder of the Globalization for the Common Good Initiative (founded at an international conference in Oxford in 2002), co-founder/editor of the Journal of Globalization for the Common Good and member of the International Coordinating Committee of the World Public Forum, Dialogue of Civilizations. He received his BA and MA in economics from the University of Windsor, Canada, in 1980 and 1982 respectively. In 1986, he was awarded a doctorate in economics from the University of Birmingham, UK. In 2001, he received a Certificate in Education in Pastoral Studies from Plater College, Oxford. From 1980 to 2000, he was Economic Tutor, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at Universities of Windsor (Canada), Birmingham, Bristol, Wolverhampton and Coventry (UK).
Mofid’s work is highly interdisciplinary, drawing on economics, business, politics, international relations, theology, culture, ecology, ethics and spirituality. His writings have appeared in leading scholarly journals, popular magazines and newspapers. His books include Development Planning in Iran: From Monarchy to Islamic Republic, The Economic Consequences of the Gulf War, Globalization for the Common Good, Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Globalization for the Common Good, Promoting the Common Good (with Rev. Dr. Marcus Braybrooke, 2005), and A Non-Violent Path to Conflict Resolution and Peace Building (co-authored, 2008).
Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Management, which includes programs in Business, Public Administration, Information Management, Marine Affairs and Resource and Environmental Studies, offers a holistic and values-based approach to management education and research. The Faculty’s vision is to be the acknowledged centre of values-based management whose graduates become private sector, public sector and civil society leaders who manage with integrity, focus on sustainability and make things happen."
Media inquiries: Colin Craig, Faculty of Management, tel. 902.223.3981, colin.craig@dal.ca
Globalisation and Education for the Common Good: A Path to Sustainability, Well-being and Happiness
By Kamran Mofid, Adjunct Professor, Dalhousie School of Business, Dalhousie University, Canada
Public Lecture Presented at School of Business Administration Dalhousie University Wednesday 3 November 2010
Greetings to you all,
'Believe me I cannot find words adequate enough to tell you how happy I am to be here in Canada once again and especially in my new capacity: Adjunct Professor at one of the oldest and most respected universities, namely, Dalhousie. It is always a very special joy for me to return to Canada. It is to Canada that my wife and I first came all those years ago in the 1970s. It was in Canada that I got my first two degrees in economics. I never forget the joyous day in 1980 that my wife and I became naturalised Canadian Citizens. It is to Canada that many my close relatives came to after the Revolution in Iran. It is in Canada that all have found happiness, joy, success and well-being. To Canada, I own great thanks.
For the opportunity to be here today, I am indebted To the Dean of the Faculty of Management, Prof. Peggy Cunningham. I salute her wisdom and vision and I commend her great work to make the business education to be for the common good. I wish also to thank Prof. Greg Hebb, Director of the Centre for International Business Studies at Dalhousie for all his support and friendship. I thank all my colleagues and students at Dalhousie Business School for all they do, ensuring that the Business Education at Dalhousie is a world leader in values-based education.'...Continue to read
- A Call for Dialogue of Civilisations and the Common Good on 9/11
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- Announcing our Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative Community (GCGI Community): A 10th GCGI Anniversary Project
- Globalisation for the Common Good and the Dialogue of Civilisations: Building Peace, Justice, and Prosperity Together
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