Can a lottery winner get richer by giving it all away …?
Rachel Lapierre, from Montreal, Canada, won the lottery, with a prize of $1,000 a week for life. Having won a fortune that most people can only dream of - she's now giving it all away. 'It's nice to have a new car, a new home, a new everything. It can really be fun but you don't need that to be happy'
Meet Rachel Lapierre - The beauty queen who won the lottery then dedicated her life to others
In 2013 Rachel Lapierre won the lottery. But rather than splash out, retire early or live it up, the former beauty queen started a charity.
This is what Rachel did next: BBC Money& Power
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The Wisdom Corner
The links noted below are amongst my Blog postings which are there to provide ideas for inspirational stories for everyone, encouraging contemplation, soul searching and spiritual enrichment.
Whenever you get a chance, please take a few minutes to watch, listen and read some of the amazing narratives below: They are some examples of the many gems I have discovered in my life journey from the wisdom of others. They have opened new horizons in my life. For that I cannot be grateful enough.
Here, by sharing their wisdom with you, I hope they will do the same for you.