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‘I can’t believe that this world can go on beyond our generation and on down to succeeding generations with this kind of weapon on both sides poised at each other without someday some fool or some maniac or some accident triggering the kind of war that is the end of the line for all of us.’-President Ronald Reagan, May 16, 1983

‘We are in the era of the thermonuclear bomb that can obliterate cities and can be delivered across continents. With such weapons, war has become, not just tragic, but preposterous.’-Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican National Convention, August 23, 1956.

A Syrian boy, an innocent soul, walks with his bicycle, wondering why and what has happened to his beloved family, home, city and country.

Photo: afp.com

Imagining a Better World

The Path to the Heart of True Human Possibilities

A Poetic and Spiritual Pilgrimage to Wisdom to Build a Better World for All

O You Who’ve gone on Pilgrimage

Come, Come, Whoever You Are, Come

Ours is not a caravan of despair.

Ours is a Journey of Hope          

What You Seek Is Seeking You ~ Rumi

‘To my mind, there is no doubt that, we need all the wisdom we can receive, especially in relation to the dark thoughts, the shame and the malice from which no person is immune. We need hope, love, beauty and wisdom to guide us in all we do. We need to be agents of goodness and light, whilst projecting them onto others. Taking this path, I am sure the world would, in due course, be less fractured and in pain than it is today.’ Kamran Mofid, A Poetic Pilgrimage to Wisdom

Poetry, literature and spirituality: The Language of Dialogue and Diplomacy

An Investment of Heart and Spirit: Balancing Humility and Ambition

It is worth remembering the centuries-old and timeless wisdom of the Persian poet, Sa’di:

Human beings are like parts of a body

Created from the same essence.

When one part is hurt and in pain,

the others cannot remain in peace and be quiet.

If the misery of others leaves you indifferent and with no feelings of sorrow,

You cannot be called a human being.

Another of his poems is inscribed at the entrance of the Secretariat of the United Nations in New York:                                                     

The Children of Adam

Are limbs of one another,

In terms of Creation,

They're of the self-same Essence

Poetry and literature: The language of dialogue and diplomacy

It may sound strange and irrelevant at glance to connect poetry, literature and spirituality (PLS) with politics or foreign policy in this so called digitized and gadget-driven age. However, the more I look, the way I see it, (PLS) are the perfect allegories that one must understand in order to envision a foreign policy that is built on diplomacy and dialogue for the common good, rather than relying on bombs and weapons.

(PLS) embodies the good and evil that exists in each one of us, and how one must strive to achieve the goodness, wisdom and beauty in spite of having evil qualities. If only politicians and policy makers chose to follow the path of dialogue, many wars and conflicts can be avoided. It is in each one of us to choose the path of dialogue, take actions in the interest of the common good, and achieve a lasting peace, building a world of harmony and prosperity for all and not a few.

To press this point further, I wish to share with the reader, a Blog I wrote a few years back, celebrating the successful nuclear treaty between Iran and the P5+1, reflecting on the words and philosophy of the Persian sage and poet, Farid al-Din 'Attar.

The more I read Attar’s poetry and the more I discovered about his philosophy, the more I realised that his poetry and literature promote the language of dialogue and diplomacy, very relevant to today’s needs to address the multiple global crises. His words, ideas and poetry foster human potential and the art of building true relations, nurturing dialogue, understanding, empathy and compassion to cultivate peace and harmony throughout the world.

In our troubled and suffering world of continuing and deepening crisis, our political leaders that take actions in our names, must show and stand up for a greater vision and courage, projecting honesty, humility and trust and invest not in shiny, new, smart missiles and boast about them, but, make substantial investment in wisdom, beauty, heart and spirit.

In order to show them a way in which this might be achieved, I can do no better than share what I had put together in an article in 2006 (updated in 2013 and again in 2015).

Iran and the US: A Mystic and Poetic Path to Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking

Kamran Mofid 6 May 2006

Dialogue: Our mystic Journey to Build a Better World

Kindness, love, compassion and forgiveness can unlock the door to peace in oneself, peace in others and then peace in the world

Life is a Journey of Transformative Dialogues of Self-Discovery of Knowing you, Knowing me


As the Founder of the Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative, and as a person who has embraced spiritual economics, I always thought that there must be a better way, a more just path, to reconcile the West (US) and Iran. I felt that they must move away from concentrating mainly on the material aspect of their relationship to a more spiritual appreciation of who they are, what they believe in, what they share and what they have in common.

I strongly felt that this must be the first step, moving back from “All options are on the table”, and “Death to America - The Great Satan”, to a more meaningful dialogue for the Common Good: A Dialogue of Civilisations, the Dialogue of Discovery and Hope, celebrating our common humanity, kindness, trust, dignity, mutual respect and love.

But, the question was how this may happen, how it may begin? The answer, I believe, rests in Spiritual Diplomacy for the Common Good, choosing love which is the path to world peace with responsibility.

In a simplistic sense, as it has been noted, the idea is to see spirituality, universal human themes, religion and God as part of the solution to conflicts, as opposed to part of the problem. The tools and mechanisms that emerge from centuries of spiritual quests may provide a basis for communication, understanding and ultimate agreement.’ ... Continue to read


Iran Nuclear Deal is truly the Triumph of  Dialogue, Humility, Courage, Wisdom, Diplomacy, Hope and a Visionary Leadership; over Foolishness, Arrogance, Selfishness, Weakness, Fear, Extremism, Warmongering, and Short-sighted leadership. This has been a gift to the world. Long may it be so.