“The case of infamous ‘affluenza teen’ Ethan Couch has reignited incredulity toward money-borne illness. But is it about more than being spoiled brat?”
“The word affluenza, which has been used in various contexts over the last century, is a portmanteau of “affluent” and “influenza”. And because of Ethan Couch, the notorious “affluenza teen” caught on the run with his mother in Mexico last week, it appears to be fast en route from relative obscurity to household word.
But what exactly are we talking about here? Is this really a virus, even in the metaphorical sense? An epidemic? A reflection of failed parenting? And, most urgently, is it contagious?”
Want to learn more? Then, continue to read:
Affluenza: a plague on both their houses, their cars and their yacht | Society | The Guardian
Further reading:
People’s Tragedy: Neoliberal Legacy of Thatcher and Reagan
Memento mori, Memento vivere and the Madness of Black Friday
Good on you Ms. Essena O'Neill: Social media 'is not real life'
Economics, Globalisation and the Common Good: A Lecture at LondonSchool of Economics