5th International ISOL Conference
September 10-15, 2015
ISOL 2015 - Replica of the Parliament of the World's Religions 1893 Conference to carry the vision forward
'Curtain raiser on Quasi-centenary celebrations of the great Chicago lecture by Swami Vivekananda, disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. The conference will be a replica of that historic conference held on 11th September 1893.'
I am delighted to receive an invitation to participate and present a plenary paper at this prestigious and timely conference. Moreover, I am equally delighted for the invitation to join the Conference’s Organising Committee.
It goes without saying that; I do hope the GCGI Family and Friends will consider participating at, and indeed, offer papers, by sending their abstracts to the Conference Organisers for their consideration (see below for details).
“Integrating Spirituality and Organizational Leadership Foundation is an initiative started by Sunita Singh Sengupta and shared by like spirited people across the globe to promote leadership that nurtures the spirit of each person in order to create harmony at workplace and society.
The relentless pursuit of egoistic gratification has led to the current situation of corporate greed and lack of trust amongst people. People are the strength of the organizations and the leader who integrates this understanding creates an environment where people can use their full potential, feel appreciated and grow in the process. This requires an outside – in approach. The need is to create virtue based organizational processes to bring transparency and accountability in order to create good governance practices. The virtue based governance practices is likely to build enlightened corporate citizenship behavior enabling the organizations to realize Sarve Bhuta Hiteh Ratah – Welfare and good of all human creatures.
The Foundation envisages promoting compassion and trust at workplace in order to create non-violent, non-exploitative and sustainable organizations.”
ISOL Foundation:
ISOL | Exploring Sustainability through Spirituality
Conference details:
5th International Conference on ISOL |
Organising Committee:
Organizing Committee | 5th International Conference on ISOL
Message from the Founder, Dr. Sunita Singh Sengupta:
Message from the Founder | 5th International Conference on ISOL