As this year draws to a close we would like to say a heartfelt thank you for your collaboration and support over the past 12 months. We look forward to our continuing collaboration and solidarity.
This has been an exciting year for us here at GCGI. Together, with all our friends and colleagues around the world we are navigating these challenging times beset by gross human rights violations and intrepid injustices. At the same time there are many seeds of inspired awakenings taking root throughout the world!
We would very much like to share a couple of poems with you. The first is by the legendary environmental activist, Wendell Berry. It is a therapeutic reminder of the wonder and beauty inherent in life on our precious Earth. The other is from Hafez, the 14th-century Persian philosopher of love, a seeker of wisdom, who became a poet of genius, a lover of truth who has transcended the ages. May these poems be a source of hope and inspiration to you, as we must remain positive and hopeful in our quest to change the world, for the better.
We hope our work will continue to inspire your support in 2015 and beyond.
We need and count on your ongoing support, on your investment of time, and the invaluable sharing of your documents, articles, concerns, wisdom and insight. Only with your help can we continue to accomplish our goals and ambitions, to stand up for justice and freedom, to care for creation and to embrace each other for the common good.
The Peace of Wild Things
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake rests
in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.
I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light.
For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. - Wendell Berry
Don't Despair Walk On
Josef to his father in Canaan shall return, don't despair walk on;
and Jacob's hut will brighten with flowers, don't despair walk on.
Aching hearts heal in time, vanished hopes reappear,
the disparate mind will be pacified, don't despair walk on.
As the spring of life grows the newly green meadow,
roses will crown the sweet nightingale's song, don't despair walk on.
If the world does not turn to your whims these few days,
cosmic cycles are preparing to change, don't despair walk on.
If desperation whispers you will never know God,
it's the talk of hidden games in the veil, don't despair walk on.
O heart, when the vast flood slashes life to its roots,
Captain Noah waits to steer you ashore, don't despair walk on.
If you trek as a pilgrim through sands to Kaabeh,
with thorns lodged deep in your soul shouting why, don't despair walk on.
Though oases hide dangers and your destiny's far,
there's no pathway that goes on forever, don't despair walk on.
My trials and enemies face me on their own,
but mystery always backs up my stand, don't despair walk on.
Hafez, weakened by poverty, alone in the dark,
this night is your pathway into the light, don't despair walk on. - Hafez
(From: The Spiritual Wisdom of Hafez
Haleh Pourafzal and Roger Montgomery)
Happy New Year and please watch the video below:
Perfect Day
Perfect Day - Lou Reed & Bono & Dr. John & Elton John & D. Bowie & Duran Duran - YouTube