Prof. Mofid to speak at the Spiritual Heritage Education Network (SHEN) Annual Conference: Education to Globalise the Human Mind, Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, Canada, 28-29 September 2013.
Please visit the following links for complete information about (SHEN), the conference schedule, presentations and presenters:
Fourth Annual Reflective Conference on Education to Globalize the Human Mind, 28-29 September 2013, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
“The mission of the Spiritual Heritage Education Network (SHEN) is to provide educational access to the thinking and findings of those enlightened beings (prophets, sages, and seers), who have spent their lives studying the nature of humankind and its relationships in the universe.”Read more about SHEN:
2013 Conference Programme:
Towards an Education Worth Believing In - Education as Transformation: A Conversation with Dr. Mofid