“Come with me…cross the ocean of grief and beyond”
“And till my ghastly tale is told
This heart within me burns”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge-Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Watch this short video (3:55): an island which is located in the Pacific Ocean, 2000 km from the nearest coastline. On this island, there are no humans - only birds and yet see what has happened...
A short film that everyone should see and feel the inhumanity of what we have collectively done and are responsible for…Watch the video now:
Is there a path to a possible change for the better?
...Therefore, a fundamental reappraisal of our place in Reality is urgently called for in order to break the iron grip of materialism, consumerism, selfishness, greed and individualism, thus freeing ourselves to lead a life with heart and soul; halting the ongoing process of dehumanisation in modern, consumerist society, enabling and empowering us to control the immense forces now held in frail human hands.
The current multitude of global crises provides a unique opportunity to chart an alternative to the complicit collusion of central states and free markets that characterise liberal political economy today. From this perspective, the proposed shift of focus from a self-interested pursuit of power or wealth (or both at once) to the quest for the common good should open the way for transforming modern economics, economy, business, society and community.
Visions of a New Earth: Responding to the Ecological Challenge- The Report
Report of the Ecology Panel, Thematic Plenary Session 2
World Public Forum, Dialogue of Civilisations
Rhodes Forum 2012, 10th Anniversary Session- 3-8 October 2012
Read the report: